Nlp techniques and the nlp eye accessing chart for trial lawyers
Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP) was developed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. It is a set of models ofcommunication and is a collection of tools rather then an overall theory. Itis not only a technique to improve our mental processing and interpersonal relationships but, in addition, is a wonderful aid to trial lawyers. Take as an example the "eye accessing" cues which is a methodproviding some insight as to whether the speaker is "making it up" or trying to remember and actual event.
The above is a diagram ofa cue that the person is probably trying to make up or construct a story rather then relate actual events from memory.
On the other hand, the above diagram is cue that the person is probably attempting to retrieve information from their memory and not constructing a story. While not fool proof, these diagrams are reliable cues to internal thinking. Watch people’s eyes when you question or talk to them.
NLP teaches that people favor a particular kind of way to receive information. Many people are visual which means they respond better to visual communications then they do listening or feeling. Others, prefer sounds over visual or feeling. Other people prefer to touch or feel as a communication device. They want to feel the material before buying, to hold the exhibit rather then just see it. Therefore, for full communication it is best to employ all three in communicating. Show it, talk about it and hand it to them to pass around if possible. Use words that do the same. For the visual, "can you see what I mean? For the auditory: "Can you hear what I am saying?" For the kinesthetic (feeling): "Can you get your hands around that?" The other methods people favor are smell and taste, but for the trial lawyer remembering to phrase things in the three basic formats of see, hear and feel will ensure your reaching more jurors with the information.
NLP also teaches methods of rapport. In NLP "mirroring" and "matching" are often used interchangeable and refer to a technique for establishing rapport with another person. In simplistic terms, it refers toone using the same tone of voice, speaking speed, breathing and body posture as the other person is using for a short period of time. Assuming the same body position with your head, hands and body. Speaking at the same rate as the other. Using the same manner of speaking and otherwise reflecting back to the other person what you are seeing and hearing. There is a bonding that occurs without anyone realizing why if this is done correctly.
There are so many useful ideas from NLP for trial lawyers that it should be a tool we all investigate and put to use.
One thought on “Nlp techniques and the nlp eye accessing chart for trial lawyers”
NLP is very useful for attorneys. It’s great when used in mediations and when selling your point. NLP’s use of Body Language in rapport building and for determining if someone is not to be underestimated. In order to determine if someone is not truthful you need to develop what is known as Sensory Acuity. This comes from good training and practice. Eventually you can read a person like a book.
Since a person’s body language changes under different stresses, it is important to establish a baseline of their expressions (mainly facial) when you know they are telling the truth. As your interview goes on you will be able to detect changes which indicate dishonesty. Thus you can modify your questioning.