Greetings from france
My failure to up date this site is due to the fact we have been in France. My wife Lita and I attended a plaintiff’s trial lawyer seminar in Paris for a day before moving on and I got some good ideas. The one idea I liked was from an employment lawyer who was talking about the problem of getting his clients to open up about emotional issues. He decided to take each of the items of emotional claims – anxiety, depression etc – and ask them using a scale of one to ten. For example: "On a scale of one to ten how would you rate how you felt when that happened to you at work?" He kept track of the number they gave. He then created a graph or chart, like the stock market chart over a period of time, with a designation of the time or event and the number. He connected with a line creating a graphic line exhibit.
I thought the use of a scale of one to ten alone was a great idea that gives the jury a concrete way of understanding the level of the emotional impact. I intend to adopt this idea and pass it on to you.