Another plaintiff trial lawyer blog

Another plaintiff trial lawyer blog

A.J. Levy sent me an email about his blog: He says:

One posting is about focus groups — I saw one of your postings on those. This is about an-out-of-the-box way that a p.i. lawyer selects the members of his focus groups/mock juries.

I also have postings on how to find info on potential jurors, witnesses, defendants, etc.

Another posting is about a creative use of Google’s Street Views. Although it relates to saving money at conventions, a secretary said she was going to use it when her family goes to one of the Disney-like amusement parks.

Finally, there is one about how videos and sound can be inserted into a pdf file.

There are more, but I hope that you might be able to use some of these as well as any others that you like.

Best regards.

A.J. Levy

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